Homeschool Lessons & Survival Skills for Winter: Nature Study Program Launched



Published September 26, 2023

Running Wild Explorers (RWE) has launched its updated winter curriculum for children in their Year 1 RWE Nature Studies and Survival Skills training. The winter program offers over 100 pages of lessons to help children engage with the outdoors.

More information is available at

The new program coincides with a study published in Frontiers of Psychology about how experiences in nature promote learning. According to the findings, being in nature improves attention span and memory, boosts self-discipline, relieves stress, and improves the fitness levels of both the students and the teachers. The researchers also found that being nature encourages “pro-social” behavior, where students exhibit better self-control.

Running Wild Explorers is a 2-year program. Every month, it teaches children one nature subject and one survival skill relevant to the season. The RWE lessons include facts, jokes, practical experiments using household items, handcrafts, and access to related videos and websites.

For more information, visit

Homeschoolers in the program enjoy various activities: exploring intriguing facts and related links, engaging in nature and survival skill games, and earning buttons for each survival skill mastered. They also maintain nature journals to deepen their connection to the environment, capture the world through photography, and delve into comprehensive nature studies on various subjects.

Participants read relevant books and poems, conduct hands-on experiments to reinforce nature lessons, and craft items that enhance their learning experience. This approach keeps them engaged and helps them understand their environment, building confidence and self-reliance.

Homeschool teachers can preview the program with a free lesson offered by Running Wild Explorers.

“I’ve been homeschooling for over twenty years and in that time I’ve seen a lot of curricula come and go. RWE is one that will stand the test of time. RWE is organized and laid out for you to open it up and get going without research and prep. The discussion prompts are the real treasure; they allow you to tailor it to exactly what your family needs. Whether you have one student or multiple students across a wide age range, whether you’re new to homeschooling or have been at it for years… RWE is for you,” an experienced homeschool teacher said.

Interested parties who want to know more about RWE’s program may visit

Running Wild Explorers

108 South Main Street #1018

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