COVID-19 Status Update for 12/09/2022


Marin County COVID-19 Status Update for December 9, 2022 includes: Virus Surge Impacting Local Hospitals; Winter Surge Advisory; Health Officials Strongly Recommend Masking Indoors; and updated local COVID-19 data.

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The Marin County COVID-19 Status Update is published weekly and as needed to share important news and resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic response. We remain here for you.

Virus Surge Impacting Local Hospitals

Throughout this week, emergency departments in all three Marin County hospitals have been functioning at near maximum capacity. Upward trends in flu, COVID-19 and RSV do not show signs of abating. For the first time, more residents are hospitalized for flu than COVID-19 county-wide. Vaccines and boosters have been proven to cut the risk of being hospitalized. Community members can visit the Vaccine Finder online to identify a drop-in site or to schedule an appointment.


Winter Surge Advisory Issued

Due to high levels of virus transmission, Marin County Public Health is advising vaccines, masking, treatment, safe visitation, and enhanced screenings at health care providers and long-term care facilities.


Health Officials Strongly Recommend Masking Indoors

Masking is effective at slowing the spread of all respiratory viruses. Protect yourself and others, especially those with compromised immune systems, by wearing high-quality masks like KN95, KF94 or N95. Refresh your knowledge on masks by visiting


Vaccination Opportunities in Marin

If you know someone who is still in need of a primary vaccination dose or booster shot, please share the list below with them! Staying up to date on our vaccines is just as important as receiving an initial series. COVID-19 Vaccines are FREE, regardless of insurance or immigration status.

  • December 12 – December 16, 12:00 pm – 6:0 0 pm: Northgate Mall Clinic
  • December 14, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm– Dance Palace, Point Reyes Station
  • December 15, 4:30 pm – 7:30 pm: Kerner Clinic (3240 Kerner Blvd, San Rafael)

Visit the Vaccine Finder webpage to view clinic hours, address, or schedule an appointment. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to receive a vaccination. Additional vaccination clinics in Marin and around the Bay Area can be found on MyTurn.


COVID-19 Testing: Frequent Testing Prevents Outbreaks

Testing remains an important tool in identifying and isolating infected individuals as soon as possible to prevent spread to others. If you are experiencing COVID-related symptoms, get tested as soon as possible.

Where to get tested

Our testing webpage provides a list of all COVID-19 test providers in Marin. You can find details about types of tests offered, costs, insurance coverage, and even testing locations for people without insurance.  

Did you test positive?

If you’ve tested positive with an at-home test, there is no need to confirm the result with a PCR test. Treat a positive as a positive, regardless of the type of test used. Report your result with our self-test reporting form.


COVID-19 Data Update:

Below is just a snapshot of local COVID-19 data. Find a more in-depth analysis of COVID-19 trends on the Marin Data & Surveillance webpage, our Data FAQ, or Marin County’s Open Data Portal.

Data sets updated weekly (published on Fridays) include:

  • COVID-19 vaccination rates
  • COVID-19 cases & deaths among facility staff and residents
  • Weekly/Cumulative count of COVID-19 deaths among Marin residents
  • State COVID-19 Data

Status updates are now published weekly on Fridays. “Change from Last Status Update” accounts for 7 days of data, unless noted otherwise (view past status updates).

COVID-19 Case Data

Today’s Report

Change from Last Status Update on December 2, 2022

Total Confirmed Cumulative Cases


+ 266

“Active Cases” (Confirmed in Past 10 Days)


+ 11

Total Cumulative Deaths


+ 0*

Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations


+ 1

Current COVID-19 ICU Patient Census


+ 3

* Change from last Friday.

COVID-19 Vaccination Data

Today’s Report

Change from Last Week

Percent of Marin residents vaccinated with at least one dose



Percent of Marin population who have completed vaccine series.


+ 0.1%

Percent of Marin residents who have received a Booster/3rd Dose


+ 0.2%

* * As population estimates may not be precise, the proportion of vaccinated people in any group will be displayed up to, but not higher than 98%.

* Note that this percentage is out of all Marin residents including children younger than 6 months.

Residential Care & Skilled Nursing Facility COVID-19 data:

Today’s Report

Change from Last Week

Positive Patients at Facilities cumulative


+ 40

Positive Patients at Facilities current


+ 36

Positive Staff at Facilities current


 + 8

Facility Patient Deaths


+ 0

Facility Patient Deaths as percentage of all COVID+ deaths


 + 0.0%


State COVID-19 data:

Today’s Report

Change from Last Week

California Confirmed Cases


+ 74,497

California Deaths


+ 192


Resource Link Library

What to do if…

You’ve tested Positive | You’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19

Online Resources

Vaccine locations | Booster Information | Free COVID-19 testing | Marin COVID-19 Data | State COVID-19 Data | State Race & Ethnicity Data  | State Variant Data | CDC Community Transmission Data

Stay Informed

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